Coaching is a process that is defined by keeping the client moving forward.  


Coaching is very different from mentoring, counseling, or consulting.  The coaching process allows the client to explore the possibilities of how to move forward with more determination, design, and delight!

  • Mentoring models for the mentee some practical aspects of life, and provides a list of "shoulds" and tasks.
  • Counseling is helpful in managing and healing the past, those areas that keep you stuck and unable to move forward.
  • Consulting brings advice and answers to specific problem areas and are often behavior modification methods.
  • Coaching works with the client to allow them to see their potential and then step into it with ease, creating the path on which to take that next forward motion.


I have personally experienced all of these methods of co-laboring with another towards favorable outcomes and personal growth for my own life.  Each have served me well and have brought me to the next level of living the life I have been designed for. I regularly spend time being coached, as it is a great way of clearing the clutter, and giving me space to put action to dreams.


However, I have chosen coaching as a profession because of the profound impact it has had on me and my way of perceiving, believing, and living out my daily life in all aspects.  My mind has been transformed, and I am renewed in how I then walk out my beliefs about myself and how I interact with the world around me.  I am better able to make decisions, provide feedback and clarity to others, and walk in greater confidence in all aspects of my journey. I deeply desire to provide this same state of being to others who cross my path and are seeking similar clarity.


According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), "At the heart of coaching is a creative and thought-provoking process that supports individuals to confidently pursue new ideas and alternative solutions with greater resilience in the face of growing complexity and uncertainty."


There is something inside of all of us that believes that there is MORE.
4D Living is the process I use to discover the MORE for you.

Discover  - learn how you best operate in life through self-awareness and exploration
Discern- seek how to integrate strengths into leadership and life for optimal impact
Design-create actions that are in line with your values, strengths, and vision
Deploy – build and execute goals with a fresh, new perspective and momentum for sustainability


I love my clients! Hear what past clients have to say about their experience working with me as their Coach:

"Working with Pam has been transformational! Because of her excellent listening skills and powerful questions, I have made huge progress in discovering the abundant life God has in store for me. I look forward to our weekly sessions and am able to move forward with excitement and confidence. I am forever grateful for our partnership and have experienced tremendous joy, hope and fulfillment as I move forward to the future that God has for me."

Emily Life Coach, LLC

"From being stuck to moving ahead in ALL Christ has for me- Living Victoriously In Christ!

Thank you Pam for coaching me into my God ordained Promise Land. Having you as a coach has changed my life in ways I never could’ve imagined!"




I feel that I can best share what I believe coaching is and should be, by sharing my story of my first encounter with coaching.

When I came across coaching for the first time, I didn’t know a lot about it and, honestly, was a tad skeptical. I am a focused, growth-oriented person and have faced quite a lot of trials in my life, so I have pursued therapy, counseling and various forms of ministry. I am grateful for the growth and healing that took place through those methods. However, I was shocked by what was accomplished in a 20 minute coaching session.

I learned things in my first 20 minutes of coaching that I didn’t learn through years of psychotherapy and ministry. I discovered personal awareness of things that were holding me back, that I had not yet discovered --  to the extent that I could root them out and no longer battle them.

That coaching experience provided such clarity that I knew I needed to learn coaching skills to be able to do this for others. This is why I offer your first coaching session for free, so that if you're like I was, a tad skeptical, you can experience it for yourself and see if it's a right fit for you! Set up your first call here...


Take the step and find out how working with me as your coach can lead you into your next step in living out your purpose.

Set up your free 30-minute exploration call today!


If you have more questions, head over to my FAQ page!

If I don't answer your question there, you can always feel free to email me, I'm happy to answer any question you have!