What Is Your Designed Life?
June 27, 2018, by Pamela Mertz

What would it look like to live the life you were DESIGNED to live? Did you even know it was possible to know what you were designed to do? If you could wake up every morning and be excited as your feet hit the floor, with a sense of joyful anticipation? Does this seem impossible, or something that is only in movies or storybooks? It is possible….!!
We all have a specific design, a way we have been created and it is in this “sweet spot” that we find the joy, satisfaction, and sense of purpose that brings us the LIFE we so desire.
Years ago I thought I was meant to go back to school, get my psychology degree and be a psychotherapist. I had it all planned out, a place to practice in my home to start out with, and I was very energized and excited! This gave me a hint into the current sales job that I had been working in for 15+ years. It was not bringing me the LIFE I knew was available. It was a job I did well at, enjoyed to a certain degree, and learned much from, but not LIFE-GIVING.
Given all that I have been healed from, it made sense to use my life experience and the hope that I carried through that healing process into others’ lives. It made perfect sense to me and I was ready to move in that direction. Except I felt a complete, direct, clear, “NO.” This left me bewildered and confused, but I trusted that the Lord had a better plan than I could currently see.
Fast forward a few years….. I was introduced to an inner healing ministry and learned yet more from this experience of deep healing for myself. I was then trained and still operate in this ministry to date. Healing past hurts is so necessary when those wounds hold you captive, keep you stuck.
The missing part, now that I have so many places healed within me, is the “now what?” Where do I go from here? What does moving forward look like? I then discovered Coaching. Coaching was something that I didn’t know much about and when I experienced it, that spark, that LIFE, within me flamed up and I felt it once again…is it Hope? Is it Purpose? Is it feeling a deep sense of satisfaction that mere words cannot quite convey? YES! All of this and more! Coaching is the One Anothering that I was designed to do!
I found what I am to do, how I am to use all of my life experiences and to show others the path when they feel stuck. Living by DESIGN is possible and I am so extremely settled in this new direction as I venture into the NEXT that God has for me.
What would you do, if you could live a life you knew was DESIGNED just for you? Have you ever given that much thought? I challenge you to take a few minutes right now, and explore the depths of your desires and dare to dream about your own LIFE as DESIGNED.