Significant Season of Change: Empty Nesting

Change….One thing in life that is constant, right? We hear that all the time…but do we really embrace change for all it’s worth in our lives?
I am in a significant season of change, and I am looking at it through the lens of a coach this time. Having so many options in front of me and taking inventory has been an ongoing process in my life, and more so as I have grown older and pursued some of my passions.
This new season of “empty nesting” is so very foreign for me. I am the oldest of 5 and was a young mom in 1984 and this August, have moved my youngest at college….19 hours away!!! Now what? There is no more 5:30 am alarms to get boys out the door 5 days a week, no practice schedules and game schedules to load into my calendars, no back to school shopping for all the fun, new supplies ( this was more fun for me than them, I think!). As I have canvased those that have gone before me in this season, many have said, “it’s awful!” while others have said “it’s a wonderful season!”. This I do know….it’s a true season… and what we have raised our boys to do…leave and head off on their own adventure! But yet I still ask myself, “did I teach him all he needs to know out there in the world?!?!” I taught them the basics..the truth about their identity and who they are. God has them, and is forming them into the men He created them to be. I take great comfort in that truth.
Change….New….Opportunities…It is a time of celebration and reflection as well as a time to look ahead. How will I spend my hours each day? What will my husband and I do in the evenings, the weekends? How will we carve out the calendar to do the things we have longed to do? How will I maintain connection and continue to nurture my relationship with my grown sons? What will all that look like? These are all important questions to ask myself and I encourage others reading this to do the same. Even if you are not yet an Empty Nester, the change in calendar seasons gives us a reason to pause and evaluate priorities, goals, and dreams. How do you want to spend your days as Fall approaches? I will be praying about “making the most of my days” and how God wants to orchestrate my calendar. I want to follow His lead, for sure! Give yourself the blessing of spending time with Father, asking Him how He wants to direct you to your Best, the things He has for you in the coming season, whatever period of life you are in. The fruit of that will be astounding, as you wait…listen…and then formulate a God-plan for your days. Peace will be palpable and the other fruits will be there too!
Give yourself this gift, as you look forward to the “next” for you!!
I have been there and found my way with Communities in Schools of Wake County. For those of you like me who still have the need to nurture we can always use volunteers at our kids need you.
Thank you Suzanne! Yes, using those skills and gifts for others is a MUST!