Blueprint for Life
Who are you listening to?
Who’s voice are you listening to? Like many, I purpose each new year to settle into fresh habits. I exercise more, eat cleaner, and focus on getting enough sleep. One of my favorite things is to begin again in reading the Bible through in a year. (I almost made it last year and only had…
Read MoreWaiting Part 3
Whew…I come to this part 3 of this mini-blog series with relief that I can share what God has been giving me through this Scripture reference for a couple of years now. And as I do, obediently, I am learning MORE of what He is trying to communicate to me personally. He is such…
Read MoreWaiting Part 2
So…how are you doing in this Waiting? What was different after you learned about the meaning of that Hebrew word, qavah? For me, I have spent much more time in God’s Word, as well as much more time in prayer dialogue with Him. This active waiting feels different than how I always thought waiting…
Read MoreWaiting Part 1
Waiting…as you think about that word, what do you notice? What does it mean to you to “wait”? Is 40:31 Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. A…
Read MoreBlueprint for Life – Obedience
Where do we find that “blueprint for life?” Wouldn’t it be great to be able to order it online, or to download it onto an app and have the path clearly defined? What if we are looking for directions and clarity in the wrong spot? What if we truly CAN have a blueprint for…
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